A Taste of June

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh, the places we go! June has been one awesome, busy month. I'm working on separate posts for all that's been going on, but here's a little taste:

We spent the first week of June at Camp ACC. We tried to get muddy as often as possible. I really do so love doing muddy laundry. I love how it affects the following three loads of laundry and was just tickled pink to have some.

Anna and I participated in a ballet program. It was entitled "Genesis" and was about creation. I was a tree (think "ent" Tolkien fans) and Anna represented a season. Can you guess which one?

We headed from the stage to the beach. Hilton Head with my sister, brother in law, and mom was a lovely get-away.

We'll just skip over the part about someone turning 31.

One day's rest, or maybe I just packed all day, then off to Washington DC.

We headed from there to Puebla,Mexico where we met some awesome Mexican folks and worked ourselves sore.

And now for a sneak peek of our next adventure!