There's a First Time for Everything

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Bader family has been experiencing many firsts this summer. Caroline experienced her first bath, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Please avert your eyes as the photographer accidentally included her unmentionables in her bathtime photos.

She also enjoyed her first trip to the park and her first weekend with Gran while the rest of the family enjoyed a trip to Atlanta with Ryan's little league team. Anna and Luke had a blast with Mom & Dad at a Braves game and Six Flags.

Anna and Luke kept Ryan company while he fed Caroline one of her first bottles. Beth is back to teaching ballet a couple times each week, so Caroline enjoys some bonding time with Dad while Beth gets a nice break to dance and make a little cash to boot!

Anna is now a big time first grader, complete with two missing teeth. She is very proud of her accomplishments. She'll be six very soon and is anticipating a great birthday.

Luke is missing his sister and has filled the empty hours by having some play dates with his friends from school. He looks forward to starting at First Presbyterian Preschool after Labor Day, where he will be in a four year old class three mornings per week.

What a great summer of firsts it has been for the Baders. We look forward to many more!