If we build it, they will play.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

This past Christmas, Ryan's mom, aunt, and grandmother all chipped in for a swing set for the kids. The work began when it arrived a few weeks ago. Ryan, his dad, and an unsuspecting youth from church put a lot of hours into its construction. After several days of tilling, mulching, ordering a slide without a crack in it, hammering, and screwing countless pieces together, we have a very nice set for the kids. I (Beth) was admittedly not that thrilled at first. I had visions of the dog chewing it to bits and digging up every inch of the ground cover and mulch (which she's already discovered is loads of fun.) However, the final result has already provided hours of fun and exercise for us all. Their great big grins say it all. Anna, Luke, and Caroline would like to send out a great big thank you to those who helped by providing $$$, time, and energy!!