Hooray for Nebulizers!

Monday, October 13, 2008

These are some shots I took of Caroline at the doctor's office recently. She looks pretty happy, so you'd never know that just a short time before this visit, she could hardly breathe. Basically, over the past six months, on three separate occasions, she'd gone from absolutely no symptoms of anything to labored breathing worthy of panic over the course of just a few short hours.
We (Ryan, myself, and the doctors) are perplexed about what is causing her lungs to respond so violently. We thought maybe she has a seasonal allergy that was causing the trouble, but the results from a blood test indicate otherwise. She's not allergic to anything. She's not catching some type of sickness. Her lung tissue just seems to suddenly react to something and swell. Weird.
Luckily, modern medicine has come up with something cool called a "nebulizer" that works like magic. We simply squirt a little medicine into a machine that turns it into a mist which Caroline then breathes in while wearing a sad little mask. It takes about 10 minutes, which can seem like an eternity, so we sing songs to pass the time. Caroline's favorite is "The Wheels on the Bus" just in case you were wondering.
Anyway, this little modern miracle turns Caroline's frown upside down as you can see above. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll discover the answer to her lung phenomenon. Until then, we're starting to run out of ideas for cutsie toddler songs that don't get irritating after repeating 11 times. Any ideas anyone?