Growing up on a Dairy Farm, vol. 1

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Recently I've been feeling nostalgic about my days growing up on a dairy farm. My mind has been flooded with memories that have lain? dormant for many a year only to rise up of late and shock my conscious mind. I feel the need to share some of these memories. I'm not sure why. Maybe I just want to make sure that they don't creep back into my subconscious never to return. Maybe my dad has been on my mind a lot lately and I want to remember all I can about being with him when I was little.
My plan is to occasionally narrate a memory of the farm. I will rarely have a photo to accompany the memory because I wasn't really thinking about my blogging needs at the time. So, we'll just have to use our imaginations. I anticipate that they will sometimes entertain, sometimes enlighten, and oftentimes shock those who did not have the privilege of growing up on a farm. They may be funny, dull, or just weird. They'll always be true and accurate to the best of my ability. So here goes.
Growing up on a Dairy Farm, vol. 1:
OK, so I know I said I wouldn't have photos, but I actually do have one.

This picture says a lot.
1. My mom was my hair stylist.
2. I had not yet been educated on how to flatter my round face in photos.
3. I sometimes forgot I was a girl.
4. I knew from experience that one must always tuck one's pant legs into one's
5. My eldest daughter looks like me.
6. See that propane tank in the background? Yeah, well you thought it was a
propane tank, but really it's a horse. My horse. "Rusty" to be exact. It took
me hither and yon. It's just taking a break to munch on some grass.
'Till next time.


Anonymous said...

See, thats funny because I was almost sure you had dressed Luke up in overalls and a wig. I really didn't think that was you. I like it.

Candi said...

Hahahahahaha!!! This one had me laughing for a long time. :) And I agree with Katie, it DOES look like Luke. I think it looks more like him than Anna. Even by the way you're standing in the pic.