One Last Hoorah

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our last big event of the summer is our annual trip to Atlanta with Ryan's little league team. Ryan's dad is the team sponsor, so he plans a great weekend for the players and their families. We all load into a big charter bus and head down for a couple days to catch a Braves game and visit a theme park. Last year was Six Flags, so this year we went to White Water. Talk about fun for the kids. This is one of their favorite parts of being our children. They love the water slides, sleeping in a college dorm, going to see the Braves, and eating a lot of good food. But their favorite part by far is the bus ride. Luke always sits in the back with Ryan's little leaguers. (No car seats required.) He feels like such a big boy with them and has enjoyed this part of the trip since he was 2.
Anna always sits right behind Ryan and me with a little sister of one of the players. Most of the time they color, read, giggle, and enjoy little girlhood. We were shocked at one point, however, to turn around and discover Anna and her friend enthusiastically kissing their pillows. Ryan and I looked at each other what an "Are they doing what I think they're doing?" kind of look. We're fairly certain they were pretending to kiss boys, but we're telling ourselves they were just expressing their love for their pillows. Yeah, that's it. They were really nice pillows.

We also went to a little place called Dixie Land Park. There were quite a few fun rides including one you'll see below that was honestly the most frightening ride I've ever experienced.
This is a pretty big statement because I've ridden roller coasters all over the country. I love the thrill of a good scary ride. This one, however, had to be breaking like forty two codes. You're simply strapped into these seats connected to a wicked long arm that blasts you around to unspeakable heights. You're suspended upside down over really solid looking pavement with NOTHING over your shoulders. I screamed. I screamed loud and hard. The entire time. The blood vessels in my eyes are still healing.


Christy said...

maybe the "g forces" hold you in your seat!! ;o) i would have screamed lots and lots too!! and the "pillow kissers" made me giggle.

LeslieJ85 said...

What a fun trip! If only I had known the Baders were so close to my home....Miss you all!