Betcha Can't Guess

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Caroline has recently entered the world of self feeding with utensils. As we enter this new stage in life, I have been reflecting on Anna and Luke's experiences with self feeding. I recall mealtimes that have been full of laughter, joy, and pride as we've watched our little one learn to nourish her/himself. Then, I unfortunately recall those meals that have included sighs, grief, annoyance, and impatience. Why is it, I wonder, that we handle similar situations so differently from day to day? On this particular day, Caroline's state of messiness made me laugh and cry tears of joy. As you see, I even whipped out the camera. But on a different occasion, those tears may not be quite so joyful.
Ah, the power of a mother's moods.
Well, moving on, betcha can't guess what that yummy brown stuff all over Caroline is. Pudding, you say? Nope. A gooey chocolate bar? Unh - uh. Ice cream? Try again. Can't guess? Well, I'll tell ya. Black beans, baby! Straight from the can. And she was lovin' 'em!!


Candi said...

What a hilarious expression! Black beans, oh yeah!