Two Holidays

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We're a little behind on our posts. So here's a little catching up.

Halloween was big fun again this year. Anna dressed up as a dog, complete with our real dog's collar. Luke was a ninja, and Caroline was a lion but didn't really know it. All she knew was that when our neighbor stuck a stick with a ball on the end of it in her mouth, she was in toddler heaven.
We started right after school and toured the neighborhood. I'd like to take a moment to thank our neighbors for being so kind to our children. We received some really nice treats including lots of yummy sweets, Halloween bags and buckets, books, puzzles, and special toddler friendly treats. We are blessed with such kind neighbors. Thank you!
Then we traveled out to Jonesborough to some family members where we were greeted with some very special home made goodies from Mammaw and Pappaw.
From there the guys and the gals split up.
Ryan took Luke to a Science Hill football game. Luke was excited to be able to be on the field helping Dad and PawPaw video the band. Anna and I put Caroline to bed then had a girls' night with games, books, and an American Girl video. Lotsa fun.

Thanksgiving was full of way too much food and lots of family time. We all enjoyed the Thanksgiving Feast at Anna and Luke's school. This is a super meal provided by the parents of the multiage classes, and boy is it a feast! My tummy is still feeling that one.
We woke up early and did the Turkey Trot (a family 5K) which was lots of fun when Caroline wasn't crying. The rest of the day was spent with my family in Jonesborough, which is always filling and relaxing.
The day after Thanksgiving was spent with Ryan's mom, aunt, uncle and cousins and some friends in Johnson City. My favorite part of this day was going on a nice long walk with everyone through Ryan's mom's neighborhood.
Needless to say, we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.