Sweet Caroline

Friday, May 30, 2008

This has been a big month for Caroline.
She learned to crawl forward (she'd been scooting backward for a few months) and is so happy with her new found mobility.
She learned to pull up to a standing position.
She drinks big girl milk from a big girl cup.
She has started talking a little.
"tie du" = "thank you"
"Da" = "dad" or "dog" whichever is within sight
"eee" = "wee" on the swing
"Mama" makes me smile as I trick myself into believing she's referring to me.
She can give kisses.
She can wave hello and good bye.
She can laugh when we say "no." Bad news.
Really, though, Caroline is super. She's happy and pleasant most always and brings out the best in her siblings. Here's to our 11 month old sweetie.